Our wedding photography gallery shows the recent wedding of Melbourne couple Cherie and Donovan, recently married at St Johns Church Ferntree Gully. The church is lit beautifully in warm classic tones, and the photos reflect the soft lighting, without the need for extra strobes or tungsten lights ( called “Redheads” in the trade). Wedding photographers are able to set the mood of the lighting via the white balance adjustment interface on the cameras of today.

Photography at a church like this one, works easily because there is lots of room to move. Often weddings present completely different images from alternate view points, these make for great variety in wedding album collages and montages. Our wedding photography style is lively, energetic and makes use of multiple camera angles to provide visual variety within the final photo presentation.

Bride relaxes after ceremony endsBride Laughs After Wedding
wedding photo shows bride laughingHappy Bride After Wedding
bride laughing after wedding ceremony concludesLaughing, Happy Bride
group photography of all guests and wedding partyFull Group Shot at Church
collage of newlyweds in champagne glasswedding photography collage
photo of groom and parents before melbourne weddingGroom With Parents
natural light photo of groom at homeGroom in Natural Light
groom shows off wedding ringGroom with Wedding Rings
groom before wedding ceremonyBridegroom Before Wedding
bridegroom prepares for ceremonyBest Man and Groom
groomsmen with groom pre-weddingGroom and Groomsmen
bride with flowergirl and page boysJunior Bridal Party with Bride
bride with brother and sistersBride with Brother and Sisters
bride portrait by window lightBridal Portrait by Diffused Light
portrait of bride and flowergirl before weddingBride and Flowergirl
bride portrait with window backlightingBridal Photo by Window Light
soft window light portrait of bride seatedWindow Light Brdal Portrait
young junior bridesmaid prior to ceremonyFlower Girl Portrait

We have more opportunity for wedding photography when the bride arrives on time. It enables us to cover the different pre-ceremony stages, and allows those shots to happen naturally, as opposed to having the priest or wedding venue manager hurry everyone along because of late arrivals. This also means the wedding starts on time, and the bride and groom are as relaxed as they can be, on such an emotionally charged day.

junior wedding page boys play with iPadJunior Page Boys with iPad
nervous groom and groomsmen wait in church for the bridegroom and attendants wait for bride
black Chrysler wedding limousine and brideBlack Chrysler Wedding Limo
groom and groomsmen watch bride walk down aisleWalking Down Aisle
spontaneous laughter from bride before weddingOne Happy Bride
both parents walk bride down aislebride with mum and dad
bridal couple receive marriage certificateReceiving Wedding Certificate
fun natural laughter from brideBride Laughs After Wedding
natural unposed photo of groom after weddingGroom After Wedding
father of bride shakes hands with groom Welcome to Our Wedding
bride arrives at wedding ceremony Father Presents Bride
wedding ceremony at St Johns Ferntree Gully Long Shot of Wedding Ceremony
wedding photography st johns church Wedding Ceremony in Progress
candid wedding photo, groom after ceremony Groom After Wedding
wedding couple outside st johns church ferntree gully Newlyweds at St Johns
unposed picture of bride after wedding Natural Wedding Photography
bride looks back and laughs to camera Fun Bridal Photo
natural, happy fun photo of bridal couple Bridal Couple Fitzroy Gardens
wedding photography showing vows being exchanged, view from back of church
Exchanging Wedding Vows
photography showing lighting of marriage candle
Lighting Marriage Candle
priest delivers final blessing to newlyweds
Final Blessing at Wedding
signing marriage register
Wedding Register is Signed
fun photo of groom watching as bride laughs
Wedding Photography Fun
natural wedding portrait in gardens
Fitzroy Gardens Wedding
intimate portrit of bridal couple
Wedding Couple Kiss
wedding couple in tropical setting within Fitzroy Garden
Fitzroy Gardens Photo Setting
newlyweds fun photo in Fitzroy Gardens
Fitzroy Gardens Wedding Photo
newlyweds sign wedding certificate
Signing the Register
bridal couple depart church
Walking Up the Aisle
fun photography of bride and groom meeting after the wedding
Wedding Couple After Ceremony
groom jokes with pageboy
Pageboy and Groom Fun
artistic composition of leaves and newlyweds
Unique Photography Composition
groom looks as bride smiles
Bride Smiles at Groom
candid photo of newlyweds in garden
Fitzroy Gardens Photography
bride reaches to the groom in wedding photography session
Fitzroy Gardens, Melbourne Wedding
bridal couple share fun laughter during wedding photography shoot
Wedding Photo Shoot Fun
bride looks at groom during photography session
Bridal Couple Exchanging Glances
wedding photo of bridal couple smiling at each another
Wedding Couple Swap Smiles
bridal party enjoy fun together
Fun Bridal Party